Customer satisfaction survey of banks and insurance companies

Customer satisfaction research is becoming increasingly important for banks and insurance companies . The focus on customer experience (CX) and research into customer experiences in the financial sector is additionally reinforced by the new payment directive (PSD2), which makes switching between banks easier. This makes service and customer experience even more important for banks and insurance companies.

Fortunately, with modern online feedback software, customer satisfaction surveys in the financial sector can be performed more easily and continuously. This ensures more and better feedback and richer control information. This allows you to immediately carry out improvement actions. You can view the results immediately.

Customer satisfaction surveys are becoming increasingly important for banks and insurance companies. The focus on customer experience (CX) and research of customer experiences in the financial sector is additionally reinforced by the new payment directive (PSD2), which makes switching between banks easier. This makes service and customer experience even more important for banks and insurance companies. With modern online feedback softwarecustomer satisfaction survey fortunately, customer satisfaction surveys in the financial sector can be performed in an increasingly accessible and continuous manner. This ensures more and better feedback and richer control information. This allows you to immediately carry out improvement actions. You can view the results immediately.

How would it be if..?

Want to be able to see all forms of customer research on one dashboard? And employees can use customer feedback directly in their daily work?

Modern customer satisfaction research in the financial sector

GrowPromoter offers banks and insurers the online platform to conduct customer satisfaction research and investigate customer experiences in the financial sector. With this online feedback software you always ask the best questions for customer satisfaction research in the financial sector at the right time. You can immediately see the results (in real time) on the online dashboard. GrowPromoter's Experience Experts also help you to always ask the right smart questions at the best time. Your online dashboard helps to translate customer feedback directly into concrete improvement actions and new priorities for a better customer experience.

Continuous customer satisfaction survey in the financial sector

The financial sector is in full transition due to market developments and changing laws and regulations. Customer experiences and the customer experience measurement are important to test how customers experience changes. New developments – such as block chains and PSD2 – increase the focus on customer experiences and needs. Because the European payment directive PSD2 makes bank data more widely accessible to simplify switching for customers, further development of distinctive services and a focus on customer satisfaction are becoming even more important. As a result, many parties in the financial sector are actually conducting a continuous customer satisfaction survey.

Research customer experiences with NPS and other questions

Banks and insurers often work with NPS (the Net Promoter Score) for customer satisfaction surveys. The most well-known NPS question is: How likely are you to recommend us to people you know? The score that comes out of this is interesting. But GrowPromoter also likes to look further afield. One short, smart follow-up question can yield much more valuable feedback for customer experience research. Moreover, with GrowPromoter you remain flexible to ask other research questions in addition to NPS. So you are not obliged to use NPS. Our Experience Experts can tell you all about the possibilities and consequences.

Measuring coherence CX and EX at banks and insurers

With all the changes in the financial sector, in addition to the customer experience (CX), the exploitee experience (EX) is becoming increasingly important for banks and insurers. Because as an organization that is changing, it is important to keep employees with the right competencies on board, to bring them in or to develop talents. As a result, research into employee satisfaction (MTO) and the experiences and needs of employees is also becoming increasingly important. After all, satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers. Customer needs are also increasingly determining the workforce of organizations and the employee development.

That is why you can also use GrowPromoter's online platform to measure employee feedback and experiences. With our online feedback software you can also measure the coherence between CX and EX. Often it starts with measuring CX. You can simply link research into EX to this later.

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