GrowPromoter with stand and keynote at Marketing & Technology 2017

The customer journey is the backbone of our marketing actions. The personal and intriguing consumer journey: from orientation and consideration to purchase and loyalty. Technology is increasingly playing a leading role in this process. On November 9 we would like to take you on an impressive technological journey of discovery in De Flint in Amersfoort.

The customer journey: the hottest tech insights

Let’s fly, let’s play, let’s talk

 The customer journey is the backbone of our marketing actions. The personal and intriguing consumer journey: from orientation and consideration to purchase and loyalty. Technology is increasingly playing a leading role in this process. We are happy to take you on an impressive technological journey of discovery. Based on the six stages in the customer journey, we highlight all the latest technological trends.

Six in-demand tech experts will share their surprising insights with you on November 9. Join us on a journey to make your customer journey technically even better. Book your personal ticket now and fasten your seatbelts!


Or do you have questions about research into customer satisfaction or employee satisfaction in your sector? Feel free to contact us about your satisfaction survey among employees, customers or both.

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