Measuring employee satisfaction (MTO) in a modern way: what does that yield?

Measuring the perception and satisfaction of employees offers companies and organizations plenty of opportunities. Nevertheless, employees, HR professionals and managers often dread this research into the employee satisfaction (MTO). Unnecessary, because with modern and smooth measurement methods you can give employee involvement an important and pleasant boost. In addition, analyzes of HR data and employee satisfaction surveys provide valuable insights and they can have a major impact on employee and customer satisfaction. And on the business results! These practical examples show how this works.

Werken aan de Employee Experience (EX) zou geweldig moeten zijn. En het zorgt bovendien voor een betere Customer Experience (CX). In de praktijk blijkt het nog vaak een onplezierige worsteling. Medewerkers zien op tegen het invullen van lange vragenlijsten met veel van dezelfde vragen, in ieder geval ogenschijnlijk. Leidinggevenden schrikken van de uitkomsten en zien op tegen het bespreken van resultaten. En HR trekt zich terug in haar schulp en kijkt wel uit om de komende twee jaar het onderwerp opnieuw ter sprake te brengen. Dan mis je dus ook het inzicht in de correlatie met je klanttevredenheidsonderzoek. Maar gelukkig kan het ook anders.

HR data analysis a feedback software

Modern feedback software or an e-HRM system gives the opportunity to store valuable data perform analyses. 82% of organizations have plans for this and expect workforce analytics to become a critical tool for their business strategy and HRM, according to research by the SHRM Foundation. According to this study, companies that already use data analyzes are particularly successful in the areas of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and cost savings.

But what insights can HR data analyzes provide? Below are four practical examples with their conclusions:

  1. McDonald's customer satisfaction: higher customer satisfaction due to age diversity

Age diversity policies lead to more satisfied customers,found McDonalds after a data analysis of 400 restaurants in England. Customer satisfaction was found to be 20 percent higher when at least one employee was 60 years or older.

  1. PostNL: employment conditions policy for the elderly is not working

You can also signal that something is not working and therefore see more quickly what does work. In the Netherlands, PostNL analyzed whether special employment conditions (such as less night work and more free time) for older employees help limit long-term absenteeism among the target group. That doesn't seem to work at all. The cause was not in the terms of employment and after this observation, the approach for older employees could be adjusted.

  1. Retail employee satisfaction: involved employees lead to more purchases

An American retailer (Lowe's) linked its own data systems and compared the purchases per customer with the engagement score of employees. The uitkomst was niet zeer verrassend, maar nu wel keihard onderbouwd: hoe meer betrokken medewerkers zijn, hoe tevredener hun klanten. En die klanten blijken echt meer te kopen.

  1. Capgemini: who is leaving and why?

Linking data on years of service and termination of employment to the age of employees provided Capgemini with detailed insights into employees who leave themselves. Conclusion: the shorter the service, the sooner someone leaves. More precisely: the group with the greatest chance of leaving has a maximum of six years of service. After that, the chance of leaving decreases with the number of years of service. The influence of the life phase is also apparent from the analysis. Many employees did not leave because of their work or perspective, but because many big things are already changing in their private lives (for example by starting a family). This is valuable to take into account during the termination of employment evaluation or employee needs survey.

Anyone who can make this kind of analysis with HR data can make quick and targeted adjustments in the area of ​​EX and CX. The insights also raise new questions to make new analyses. That requires a modern approach, so that the analysis and results are actually enjoyable.

From low response MTO to modern measurement

Medewerkerstevredenheid meten gebeurde traditioneel vaak met een klassiek ‘MTO’ (medewerkerstevredenheidsonderzoek). Employees then completed a long questionnaire from an external research agency once every year or every two years. That cost a lot of money and time and energy of employees. Result: little fun, low response and little action-oriented information. This is not necessarily a problem with other forms of social science research. As long as the response is representative of the entire group. When measuring the EX, it is a missed opportunity, because those who do not cooperate often have a lot of valuable information. Use the feedback from employees to immediately improve the EX and visibly do something with it MTO.

Analyzing and steering with survey software

Modern survey software makes it possible to continuously and easily measure, analyze and manage the experience of employees and customers (plus the coherence). Especially by asking the right smart question or a few striking questions at the right times. Especially when participants know that something will happen with this, the response increases and the EX can be increased considerably. In this way, HR can focus on the EX and contribute to business results and targeted support for line and team managers.

Results and action points on one dashboard

In addition to a suitable online platform for measuring EX (and CX), the right questions need to be asked at the right time. GrowPromoter helps customers do this and we offer them an online platform that is instant, continuous and real-time displays the results. Clear with everything on one central dashboard. This allows you to immediately initiate follow-up actions. This online software is your own research office on your computer. With the GrowPromoter survey software it is also possible to measure relationships between the EX and CX. For many organizations that comes later and starts with just the EX or CX.

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