Direct influence HR on business growth with employee feedback

Many organizations want HR to have more influence on business growth or other strategic objectives. In essence, this mainly means: recruiting the most suitable talents and developing employees in a targeted manner. Measuring employee feedback and employee loyalty is crucial to keep track of their involvement, development needs and development opportunities. How do you safeguard this in the organization and your HR policy? Focus on the talent journey and the continuous, short measurement of employee feedback.

The world, economy and labor market are changing rapidly. Organizations anticipate and respond to this and the talents and skills of their employees are their most important asset. HRM must and can often make a greater and direct contribution to the goals and results of the organization, but how exactly should that be done? Many organizations and HR professionals struggle with that question. HR Analytics is on the rise and provides new insights. The impact of HR on business growth and business results is of course mainly determined by the extent to which HR can attract suitable talent, prevent unwanted turnover and allow existing employees to develop in a targeted manner. In practice, the underlying question is mainly how to get and keep a grip on this. These four steps are very valuable for this, with the feedback from employees and measuring their involvement as a common thread.

1. Map out the Talent Journey

Companies that want to grow increase their insight into customer needs by taking a close look at the customer journey. As a result, they can better meet those needs. It should be no different when it comes to recruiting, retaining and developing talent. Then the talent journey is important. It starts with the orientation phase of (potential) employees, recruitment interviews and onboarding, but it does not end once someone really gets to work. Then it is important to follow and monitor the experience and development of employees when someone may start to feel 'out of learning'. So that the challenge in the work can be fueled. Employee feedback is essential in this regard. What the exact talent journey looks like differs per organization. Map them out together with colleagues from different departments and determine the important moments: the 'moments of truth'. That is where the embedding of involvement, loyalty and development opportunities in HR and organizational policy starts.

    2. Vergroot grip op ontwikkeling en betrokkenheid medewerkers 

Gaining insight and a grip on the development needs, loyalty and involvement of employees is often found difficult. The talent journey is important to work on this purposefully. The old employee satisfaction survey or it MTO (Employee Satisfaction Survey) is not enough for that. The different phases of the talent journey are often insufficiently highlighted in this and there is little insight into priorities and themes from the perspective of the employee. Moreover, you want to be able to take action more quickly than once a year on the measured needs and feedback of employees. Fortunately, with online employee survey you can continuously measure employee feedback. Always short-term and accessible, so with higher response rates and more valuable feedback from employees. An important condition for more influence of HR on business growth.

    3. Ask the right question: eNPS or other questions?

At important moments in the talent journey, it is important to easily ask the right smart question (or a few questions). Measuring eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) is a well-known metric to measure employee feedback and engagement. But there are more metrics, all with their own advantages and disadvantages. Think carefully about what the right research questions are for your situation at any given time or seek advice on this. One time it might be eNPS, but the next a different metric may provide more valuable insights into employee feedback. GrowPromoter's online platform deliberately gives users the freedom and flexibility to ask multiple types of research questions.

    4. Embedding actions and follow-up feedback employees

Continuously measuring feedback from employees is valuable because it provides more and up-to-date insights and because you can take immediate action on individual feedback. So you also have to embed that in the organization and the policy. Determine internally how you deal with the continuous flow of employee feedback. This creates a uniform working method and a clear way of working. Think consciously about how HR can gain more influence on business growth or other goals. Measure employee feedback and the results of actions taken and view your online dashboard with current results to see where new actions are needed. This way you create closed loop feedback and you gain a grip on the loyalty and involvement of employees and the insight into development needs and development opportunities.

Maximum influence of HR on business growth

With these four steps, the direct impact of HR on business growth and other strategic organizational goals grows with employee feedback and through employee loyalty and employee engagement (employee experience). And that directly affects the customer experience (CX). A larger and more direct impact of HRM on company growth and other objectives seems to me hardly imaginable.

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