
Customer satisfaction survey accountancy and administration offices

In the Accountancy sector, customer satisfaction survey for accountancy firms, administration offices and tax advisors is becoming increasingly important. Especially due to increasing automation, administrative hours are becoming less important. Especially the quality of services and advice counts to make the difference in the sector. Researching customer satisfaction is essential to measure how customers experience this. At the same time, measuring employee satisfaction is becoming increasingly important due to the increasing staff shortages in this industry. Because in addition to having enough customers, it is now important for accountancy firms, administrative offices and tax advisors that they must have enough professionals to be able to serve those customers properly. After all, you prefer not to say 'no'.

With modern feedback software, the satisfaction survey among customers and employees can be carried out more easily and continuously. This provides more feedback and better management information. This allows immediate improvement actions to be initiated.

How would it be if..?

Employees can use customer feedback directly in their daily work? All satisfaction surveys and customer journeys are transparent on one dashboard?

Modern perception and image research accountancy organizations

GrowPromoter offers parties in the business services such as accountancy organizations, but also lawyers and civil-law notaries, the online platform for modern image research and research into customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. With this flexible and online feedback software, accountancy firms, administration offices and tax advisors can always ask the best questions at the right time, both to their customers and employees. They see the results immediately and real-time on their online dashboard. If desired, also about the relationship between employee and customer satisfaction.

Experience Experts from GrowPromoter help to always ask the right smart question at the best time. Your online dashboard also helps to translate the feedback directly into concrete improvement actions and priorities for the customer experience (CX) or exployee experience (EX). This way you can perfectly coordinate image research and measuring customer satisfaction or employee satisfaction to your organization's goals.

NPS and other questions in accounting

Accounting firms, tax advisors and administrative offices can use different measurement methods for their customer satisfaction survey. The most well-known is probably the Net Promoter Score (NPS). With the most famous question being: How likely is it that you would recommend us to people you know? The score that comes out of this is interesting. But we also like to look further. One short, smart follow-up question can provide much more valuable feedback and management information.

But other types of research questions can also be valuable, such as CES (Customer Effort Score). This score indicates the extent to which someone feels that they must make an effort to complete an action. With GrowPromoter you remain flexible to ask different types of research questions. Our Experience Experts can tell you all about NPS, CES and other measurement methods and their advantages and disadvantages.

Which accountants and tax advisors already work with GrowPromoter? You see well-known examples hier.

Measure employee and customer satisfaction in conjunction

Due to growing order portfolios and increasing staff shortages, in addition to customer satisfaction surveys, modern employee satisfaction survey (MTO) is becoming increasingly important for tax advisers, accountancy firms and administrative offices. This way they can also keep a close eye on the exployee experience (EX) and the needs of employees. Because in the end, it is mainly satisfied employees in this industry that lead to satisfied customers. As a result, customer needs are also increasingly determining the workforce of organizations and the training and development of personnel.

You can also use the GrowPromoter online platform to conduct employee satisfaction surveys. With our feedback software you can also measure the relationship between EX and CX. It often starts with researching and measuring customer satisfaction, but you can simply add the EX later.

Became curious?

Or do you have other questions about customer research or employee satisfaction in the Accountancy sector? Ask us your question directly and without obligation.

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