
Finally one platform for managing on Employee and Customer Experience

The success of companies is determined by the experience of customers and employees. Because a better Employee Experience ensures a better Customer Experience. Yet companies hardly measure and manage this coherently. A new platform now makes this possible for many companies.

Companies still pay little attention to the relationship between employee and customer satisfaction. But the importance is great for, among other things, their sales, marketing and HRM. After all, satisfied employees make for satisfied customers. Customer needs are therefore increasingly determining the composition of the workforce and the development of employees. According to international research by Hay Group, companies with engaged staff and a good working climate perform almost five times better than organizations that do not have this well organized. It ensures higher revenues and customer satisfaction, greater effectiveness and productivity and less turnover.

New step

New technology makes it possible to continuously and easily measure, analyze and manage the experience of customers and employees – and the cohesion. The companies in the Netherlands that are already doing this are currently limited to a few large corporates. But in five years' time, at least three-quarters of the companies will do so, expects GrowPromoter. “About 20 percent of employers are already doing 'something' with employee satisfaction, but that says nothing about their follow-up actions and the relationship with customer satisfaction. That will be an important new step,” says director Rogier Taylor of GrowPromoter. Attention to Employee and Customer Experience is also important because employees are working for an employer for shorter periods of time. This means that employees can be better helped in a shorter period of time to do their job well and to ensure an optimal customer experience. In addition, staff turnover can also be reduced.

A platform

Many companies could not yet take the step towards Employee and Customer Experience due to the lack of one powerful platform that bundles all data, analyzes it and helps translate it into actions. GrowPromoter (founded in 2014) specializes in both areas. With its own knowledge and experience, a new platform was realized in September for all online measurements, data collection and automated analyses. Companies can easily create intelligent and flexible questionnaires and get the results visualized in real time on one central dashboard for their follow-up actions.

Safeguarding in practice

In addition to the platform – with a smart survey builder – GrowPromoter consultants help companies with knowledge and advice in questioning, analyzing and steering based on experience and the translation into follow-up actions. For practical assurance, links can easily be made with other systems, for example for CRM. In this way, valuable feedback from customers elsewhere in the organization can immediately be viewed and used. “Handy for people from sales and service, for example. Executives often don't need to see the central dashboard at all,” explains Taylor.
The tool is suitable for different types of organizations, from SMEs to multinationals. As a result, focusing on Employee and/or Customer Experience is no longer the preserve of a few large corporates. Organizations no longer have to work with very many different systems or apps.

Opportunities for HR and/or marketing

GrowPromoter's new platform and service offers many companies – especially their HR and Marketing departments – new opportunities for better performance, growth and collaboration between teams. Taylor: “It also helps HR to take the important step as a result-oriented business partner with the help of HR Analytics. This fits in with our ambition to make perception research and measurements easily accessible to professionals, without them having to carry out all sorts of scientific analyzes (or having them carried out).

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