Opportunities for HRM: measuring satisfaction better

Successful organizations mainly owe their success to employees. Because motivated and satisfied employees demonstrably ensure higher customer satisfaction. Regular and easily accessible measurement of employee satisfaction (MTO) or the Employee Experience (EX) therefore offers great opportunities. Look beyond the score given by participating employees. You can probably learn the most from the non-participating employees.

Importance of the Employee Experience

The awareness continues to grow. Well-trained employees who are passionate about their work – with heart and mind – are crucial for the success of organizations. Because a better EX ensures a better Customer Experience (CX). A few numbers: companies with highly engaged employees score 22% higher in customer satisfaction, have 40% less turnover, work 47% to 202% more effectively than competitors and their revenue growth is 2.5 times greater than competitors with low involvement . It is therefore logical that ambitious companies want to create a working environment in which employees can excel. And they want to retain enthusiastic, talented and committed employees who fit their organization.

From MTO to measuring eNPS or EX

The interest in measuring employee satisfaction – packaged as EX, eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) or the traditional MTO (employee satisfaction survey) – is therefore increasing considerably. Just like the interest in the measurable connection between Employee Experience and Customer Experience (EX and CX). Asking employees about their perception of the work situation provides employers with valuable insights and action points.

Look beyond MTO response

Measuring employee satisfaction traditionally often happened with a classic 'MTO'. To this end, employees completed a long questionnaire from an external research agency once every one or two years. That costs participants a lot of time and energy and because there are (or seem to be) many repetitions, the response is often not high. In social science research (for example into political preferences), this need not be a problem, as long as the response is representative of the entire group.

This is different when measuring the EX. That is precisely where the feedback from the employees who do not give time or priority to answering the questions is interesting. Therefore, look beyond the response and your 'score'. Because more response gives more insights and opportunities for improvement actions in the organization and for HRM.

Modern measurements: EX or eNPS

Fortunately, the EX is now much more modern, simpler and more accessible to measure: online, fast, where necessary continuously and with only a few smart questions at the right time. This increases the response considerably and increases the amount of valuable and up-to-date (!) feedback. In our modern society, people certainly want to give their opinion or assessment. But quickly, purposefully and if they know that something will (probably) happen to it.

With a modern measurement, the previously 'hidden experience' - feedback from the group that did not or hardly reacted - can be made transparent and this can be further zoomed in on. Taking small measurements more often or continuously is also valuable because the needs of employees are changing faster these days.

Zoom in after measuring eNPS

Measuring the employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a simple way to measure the enthusiasm of employees about the organization. The question is similar to that of the NPS for customer loyalty. But of course less focused on the recommendation of a company to other customers, but focused on the level of workers. For example with the question:How likely is it that you would recommend your employer to people you know? The score is expressed as a percentage. Please zoom in further on that. Why is someone enthusiastic or not enthusiastic? Why does someone give their employer a 6.5 and not a 9 or 10? That's what we want to know!

Measure EX better: opportunities for HRM

Zooming in further on feedback from employees and continuing to monitor the EX is important. This way you can always ask the best short and smart questions at the right time. This offers valuable insights to work purposefully on better EX. That means: opportunities for HRM and HR projects! And opportunities for HR to contribute directly to business results and the targeted support of line and team managers.

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