The customer satisfaction survey
Research customer satisfaction with GrowPromoter
The customer satisfaction survey: a brief introduction
The customer satisfaction survey is an extensive survey conducted among (part of) your organization's customers. This can concern all customers of your company, but also a specific customer group. By conducting a customer survey, you can find out how your customers feel about your company. You get unique feedback from your customers, which you can use to improve your business. The feedback you receive from the customer satisfaction survey depends on the survey you complete feed. If you focus the research on your products and/or services, you will receive feedback in this area. If you focus customer research on your service, you will find out how your customers feel about your service. You can make the research as specific or broad as you want.
The benefits of a customer satisfaction survey
More and more companies regularly submit a perform customer satisfaction survey. This is not surprising, because conducting a customer satisfaction survey has various advantages. The most important benefits of conducting a customer satisfaction survey, are briefly described below.
U krijgt unieke feedback om uw bedrijf te verbeteren
U vindt misschien dat u bepaalde dingen heel goed doet binnen uw bedrijf, maar vinden uw klanten deze dingen ook wel zo goed? U komt er vanzelf achter als u een klanttevredenheidsonderzoek uit laat voeren. Wellicht hoort u door middel van het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek dat u bepaalde dingen volgens uw klanten helemaal niet zo goed doet. Deze punten kunt u vervolgens verbeteren. Door een klanttevredenheidsonderzoek uit te voeren, krijgt u unieke feedback om uw organisatie te verbeteren.
U zorgt voor betrokkenheid onder uw klanten
Klanten die een klanttevredenheidsonderzoek mogen invullen, voelen zich gehoord en betrokken. Dit betekent dat het uitvoeren van een opinieonderzoek klanten ook goed kan zijn voor uw klantrelatie. Verbetert uw klantrelatie, dan kunt u hier uiteindelijk zelfs meer omzet uit halen. Betrokken klanten zorgen over het algemeen namelijk voor meer conversie dan niet-betrokken klanten.
U kunt bepaalde problemen voorkomen
Tot slot kunt u bepaalde problemen voorkomen door af en toe een klanttevredenheidsonderzoek uit te voeren. Wellicht komt er in het onderzoek een pijnpunt naar voren, die u nog niet eerder had gezien. Door dit pijnpunt direct aan te pakken, voorkomt u dat dit kleine puntje een groot probleem wordt. Laat u nooit een opinieonderzoek klanten uitvoeren, dan bent u niet van alle pijnpunten op de hoogte. Dit betekent dat bepaalde punten uit kunnen groeien tot grotere problemen.
Different types of customer satisfaction surveys
The GrowPromoter platform allows you to conduct different types of customer surveys. The various studies that GrowPromoter can perform for you are described in the paragraphs below.
Het standaard klanttevredenheidsonderzoek
Met het standaard klanttevredenheidsonderzoek kunt u achterhalen hoe blij uw klanten nu eigenlijk zijn met uw organisatie. Hoe worden uw producten en/of diensten beoordeeld en wat vinden uw klanten van uw aanvullende services? U komt er eenvoudig en snel achter door een klanttevredenheidsonderzoek uit te voeren met GrowPromoter.
Het behoefteonderzoek
Met het behoefteonderzoek achterhaalt u de wensen en behoeften van uw klanten, zodat u hier slim op in kunt spelen. U kunt dit klanttevredenheidsonderzoek vrij algemeen houden, maar u kunt dit onderzoek ook richten op een specifiek onderwerp. Denk hierbij aan uw producten, diensten of communicatie.
The customer loyalty survey
With the customer loyalty survey find out exactly how loyal your customers are. How often do they order a product or service from your company and how often do they order from other organizations or perhaps your direct competitors? You will find out for yourself if you have this customer satisfaction survey carried out.
The Brand Awareness Survey
Another customer survey that we can conduct for you is the brand awareness survey. By conducting this customer satisfaction survey, you will find out how well known your company is. Are you not satisfied with the brand awareness of your organization? Then you can then effectively focus on promotion, so that your company gains better brand awareness.
The feasibility study
The feasibility study maps out the opportunities and possible risks of a new concept. For example, do you want to introduce a new product or service, but you are not sure whether this is feasible? Then you have this specific customer satisfaction survey carried out among your existing customers. By conducting a feasibility study, you will automatically find out whether or not the introduction of your new concept is feasible and interesting.
Combining various studies
It is also possible to combine several GrowPromoter surveys. For example, you can combine the standard customer satisfaction survey with the customer loyalty survey. This way you can find out how happy your customers are with you, but also how loyal your customers are to your organisation. GrowPromoter is happy to advise you on combining different types of customer satisfaction surveys.
The power of the GrowPromoter platform
GrowPromoter has developed a proprietary platform for conducting customer surveys. If you have a customer satisfaction survey carried out within our platform, you will benefit from various advantages. Firstly, within our platform you always have direct insight into the customer experience of the surveyed customers. The results of the research can be viewed in real time. In addition, you can immediately view structural improvement points according to the customer satisfaction survey. This means that you do not have to identify these points for improvement yourself by evaluating the research. If you have a customer satisfaction survey carried out in our platform, you will immediately see the areas for improvement and any pain points within your organization. Finally, within our platform you will receive targeted management for improvement. This makes conducting the customer satisfaction survey and analyzing the data from this survey as easy as possible, even for the layman.
Closed Loop Feedback from GrowPromoter
A unique feature in the GrowPromoter platform is the Closed Loop Feedback. The Closed Loop Feedback sends an alert to a responsible employee or manager when the customer sends a questionnaire. The responsible employee or manager can now immediately view the questionnaire and possibly take action on the content of the questionnaire. And has action been taken on a particular questionnaire? Then there is the option to send a final effect measurement to the customer as a conclusion. For example, has the customer indicated that a specific form on the website is not working properly and has this form been adjusted? Then the customer can be approached later to test the form again. By conducting further research, a realistic effect measurement can be made.
A custom customer satisfaction survey
GrowPromoter helps you research what you want to research. We do this by compiling a custom customer satisfaction survey for you. You indicate what you want to research, how you want to research this and what you want with your customer satisfaction survey
wants to investigate this and what you want to achieve with your customer satisfaction survey. We ensure that your customer satisfaction survey exactly matches your requirements, wishes and expectations. For example, we do not supply a standard template, but we adapt the template for your research together with you. You can also adjust the template independently. Everything is possible at GrowPromoter.
You can not only determine what kind of research you want to conduct, but also among which customer groups you want to conduct this research and when. Do you want to start the research on a specific date? Then this is certainly possible. Do you have no preference, but do you want to start the survey at a favorable time to get as much response as possible? Then we would be happy to advise you on the ideal start date for your customer satisfaction survey.
And do you already have an idea for your customer satisfaction survey, but you're not sure whether this survey can actually work? Then we would be happy to advise you on your customer research. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field, we are able to provide professional, realistic and useful advice to all our customers.
Questions about the customer satisfaction survey?
Do you have questions about our customer satisfaction survey? Thencontact contact us, because we are happy to answer your questions. If you want to know more about the possibilities of our customer survey, you can of course also contact us. We would like to hear what kind of research you would like to conduct, so that we can tell you more about the possibilities of our customer research.
Do you want to measure your customer satisfaction? Please contact us to make an appointment. By quickly making an appointment with GrowPromoter, you can quickly measure your customer satisfaction or measure your customer loyalty.