“Better insight into the effect of HR policy and important action points”
Strukton Worksphere is a technical service provider in installation technology and construction with 1800 employees. An important core activity is the development and revitalization of real estate and the residential environment for functions such as working, living, recreation and travel. “Data plays an increasingly important role in asset management. For example, smart sensors provide us with specific information for predictable data-driven maintenance. But we also wanted to make better use of data for our HR objectives for our personnel policy,” explains HR Manager Jos van der Vegt.
Insight into experience and actions EX
Since 2017, the focus of the organization has been more on the employee experience (EX). “Because it is mainly satisfied employees that make satisfied customers,” says HR colleague Marcel Coenen. “Our HR policy is more focused on that. That is why we also wanted to know how employees value this, what the effects are and where improvement actions are needed.” In the past, a classic MTO was generally administered once every four or five years with a longer questionnaire. According to HR manager Kim Rolf von den Baumen, the need for more accessible 'pulse measurements' with an annual MTO grew. “We wanted better control data and an online platform that we can flexibly set up ourselves to ask the right questions. Possibly also for additional measurements in addition to the MTO.”
The first MTO new style
After a tender, the GrowPromoter measurement platform was chosen. Van der Vegt: “They have a modern online platform, questionnaires and they help us to ask our own questions if necessary. Our regular contact person (Hans Schut) from GrowPromoter also helps with advice and interpreting results to determine our concrete action points.” The questions of the MTO are strongly focused on six important core themes: leadership, appreciation of one's own work, vitality, cooperation, communication and personal development. In May 2018, an MTO was carried out for the first time with GrowPromoter. “We had previous measuring experiences, but now we were better able to go into depth with fewer questions. The results were a valuable baseline measurement and confirmed how we thought we were doing. There were also action points immediately. Especially in the areas of leadership, communication and vitality.”
Visible growth at second MTO
The second measurement in September 2019 became even more interesting when the results could be compared with 2018. The 'report mark' for pride in one's own organization turned out to have risen from 7.1 to 7.4 and the eNPS (Employee Net Promotor Score) of 6 .8 to 7.4. Coenen: “That is a lot in one year for a national average. Our commitment to people, development and leadership proved to be appreciated. This is also reflected in job satisfaction and lower turnover. In addition, we received feedback for new action points in all regions.” Von den Baumen: “We also see that themes such as leadership, vitality, communication and the staff's perception of work pressure remain important. We can now focus even more on that.” In the Northeast region, for example, the frequent provision of good and constructive feedback by managers is now an important point of attention. Van der Vegt: “We paid attention to leadership and in 2019 a number of team and group leaders followed a leadership programme. It is wonderful to see that 80% of the employees in the MTO are now satisfied with the leadership of their manager, but that they especially want more regular feedback from their manager. We will take that into account in our follow-up process. The local initiatives have also resulted in a new MD leadership program, a solid foundation for all new leaders in our organization.”
HR themes are more alive
The biggest benefit of the annual MTO with GrowPromoter, according to the three HR managers, is that they can now conduct this survey annually with fewer questions, but more focused on the important HR themes. “We can now measure the effect of our efforts, monitor developments closely and choose targeted new action points,” says Van der Vegt. Von den Baumen: “And because we measure annually, we also maintain a better internal dialogue about the themes. Because we discuss the results and control data with managers and they with employees. In this way, the themes remain prominent on the agenda and the teams themselves come up with suggestions to do better tomorrow.” In addition, GrowPromoter can also be used for other satisfaction measurements. This has been happening at Strukton Worksphere since 2019. First of all, for exit interviews with departing employees. Coenen: “I expect that this will also happen more and more for other subjects, for example if we want to zoom in specifically on certain employment conditions.”
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HR manager Jos van der Vegt
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