Improving customer satisfaction: where do you start?

Targeted work on higher customer satisfaction, better customer experience and higher profit. That's what everyone wants. You can go very far in that too, but where do you start? And what should you do with that Customer Experience (CX), customer journey and the Net Promoter Score (NPS)? It may sound complicated, but it's really easy. Just start at the beginning.

Customer Experience (CX) and your revenue

Everyone knows the importance of customers. Their experience of your service (CX) is determined by all the interaction of your organization with a customer: in all possible ways and through all channels. From your newsletter, website and a consultation to, for example, telephone service calls or the music when someone is on hold by telephone. Pleasant contact ensures a better customer experience and influences customer loyalty. And on your turnover.

Important moments in the customer journey

The route that a (potential) customer takes to take an action – such as a purchase – (in other words: the customer journey), is essential to better serve him or her (at the right time). to help. The result: a better CX! Smart online survey software makes it possible to continuously measure customer satisfaction (with minimal effort for customers). With the results you can continuously and purposefully implement points for improvement. This way you can directly and positively influence the customer experience.

To get a good picture of the customer journey and the important moments, it is important to discuss the 'journey' with different departments. Important moments are, for example: the sales conversation, quotation process, after placing an order, when a product is delivered, during service moments, interim evaluations or when a contract is extended or terminated.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

To influence the customer experience as effectively as possible, you need to ask customers the right smart question at the right time. A commonly used method to measure customer satisfaction is the NPS. This internationally proven method correlates with sales growth and is very short (maximum 2 minutes). More than two out of three companies from the Fortune 500 use NPS. Everything revolves around the ultimate question: How likely are you to recommend us to friends, family and colleagues? Or a variant of this. NPS can be used for many different business processes (for example, in the order, delivery or customer service).

Customer Effort Score (CES)

Sometimes it is not possible to ask the NPS question. These are often situations in which a customer goes through a mandatory process. For example, when a first order is placed. The customer must provide certain information for this. A better question is: How easy have we made it for you to become our customer? You measure the convenience that your customer experiences (and his loyalty to it) with the Customer Effort Score (CES). Take a good look at which method best suits your information needs and work processes. It may also be that the NPS and the CES question are needed, sometimes even within the same survey. That is also possible.

Benefits of continuous measurement

To continuously measure the 'temperature' among customers, it is important to continue to conduct short surveys at key contact moments. This gives you top-of-mind feedback and allows you to respond immediately to dissatisfied customers. It can also provide a better insight into, for example, rational and emotional arguments, priorities from a customer's perspective or the feedback from all respondents to one customer. In short surveys, the willingness of customers to cooperate is often high. Especially if customers know that the results actually do something.

Follow up feedback and requirements

Ultimately, your improvement actions are of course crucial for the experience and satisfaction of your customers. In particular, following up on negative feedback is essential. Responding quickly or providing an explanation already provides a more positive experience and assessment for 50 percent of these respondents.

To continuously measure customer response, you need an online platform that continuously monitors the responses to your questionnaires. At GrowPromoter, we help organizations ask their customers the best questions at key moments. Our platform therefore shows the results immediately, continuously and realtime so that you can take immediate action. In addition, GrowPromoter offers the possibility – possibly at a later stage – to measure employee satisfaction (Exployee Experience). And how it affects your CX. But my advice is: start simple and take it one step at a time.

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