
Measure and improve customer experience and employee experience

As an organization you invest in the customer experience (CX). You do this to increase the number of returning customers and to increase the order value per customer. To give substance to this, it is important that you measure the effect of changes. Are they improvements for the customer? Measuring and adequately responding to the outcomes is a continuous process, in which you always want feedback, preferably immediately visible in the CRM.

When it comes to the CX, employees should not be forgotten. It is known that there is a positive relationship between satisfied employees and satisfied customers. When both the employee experience (EX) and CX are at a high level, the one the other. GrowPromoter is specialized in CX and EX. We help you with smart questions and organizing the results. The analyzes are immediately available in clear dashboards, as if you had your own research agency on your computer. With this control information you can immediately improve processes.

From traditional methods to continuous customer feedback

Traditionally, incidental research is considered sufficient. Although we now know that this is too limited, organizations do not always understand why it is important to ask all customers for feedback. Long questionnaires are also often used. The disadvantage of this is that long questionnaires are mainly completed by positives or problem cases. The intermediate groups disappear and are not heard. Sending out and having questionnaires completed takes less time today.

By working with compact questionnaires you get a better response and results are also immediately available. In this way, questionnaires are also completed by intermediate groups and a complete picture is created. This gives you a foundation for changes and changes are also real improvements. To make this possible, it is important to see measurement as a tool, rather than as an end in itself. It's a growing process; you stack improvements. A continuous process.

Customer experience and customer journey: trends and developments

Organizations are increasingly understanding that superior CX makes a big difference to competitiveness. It is increasingly recognized that it is not just about the product or service. The way a product or service is delivered makes all the difference. It is evident that acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining customers. The focus of marketing should therefore be at least half on customer retention.

In a globalizing and competitive economy, the CX can be used as a distinctive value. Many organizations focus on individual touchpoints – such as the receipt of a quote or the delivery of a product – and forget about the CX as a whole. It may be that the organization scores high on individual touchpoints, but that the CX as a whole is below par. The following trends and developments play a role:

Optimal service equals sales

Customers are allergic to a coercive attitude and expect assistance and information when relevant.

Dealing with emotions

Dealing with negative customer emotions in the right way plays an important role in the customer experience. It is important for customers that anger, disappointment and frustration are properly channeled into a positive experience.

End to end

Although a high score is achieved on individual touchpoints, this can be lower end-to-end. By means of an end-to-end approach, the whole can be overseen and a satisfying experience can be achieved.

Intern processes

In order for sales and service to function optimally, it is important that they are supported by other departments. In this way, 'no' will never be sold again.

Educate customers

By helping customers to use a product, all relevant possibilities are discovered.

Map out interests

By mapping the interests of customers per stage, information is provided at the right time.

Use feedback effectively

When you work on optimizing CX, you will soon be active in various projects. You quickly lose the overview. That can be done differently! To (regain and) maintain the overview, you can now choose a platform in which everything comes together. This means that the points for improvement present themselves automatically. And you can work purposefully with improvements. Within this solution it is also possible to map the logical relationship between customer and employee satisfaction. When the connections between these groups are clear, it is easier to develop valuable solutions.

GrowPromoter provides software and expertise to improve the experience of customers and employees. On our unique platform you will find knowledge and a full service with our own experts. A team that comes up with the best questions, identifies weaknesses, translates management information into targeted actions and advises on taking the next step. We distinguish ourselves with one goal: to offer your customers and employees the most optimal experience. Now and in the future.

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