
Continue to measure the temperature of employees with eNPS or other questions

With the employeesNPS or eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) or other measurement methods, organizations can continuously measure themoods & minds of employees, the classic employee satisfaction. After all, employees strongly determine the success of the organization. This applies to large corporates such as Philips, Google and Heineken, but even more so to smaller companies. Employees there have relatively more impact on the results. But how do you translate measurement results into effective actions before their mood & mind?

Fortunately, with modern feedback software it is now possible to continuously and easily measure the mood among employees. For example, you increasingly see multiple short measurements in companies and (Scrum) teams that work in a lean or agile way. They measure easily, at relevant moments and with a short questionnaire. Employees are ready within two minutes. eNPS (or the employee Net Promoter Score) is a well-known method for this. With the most famous question:

How likely are you to recommend us as a working environment to friends and family?

In addition, some additional (eNPS) questions can be asked to gain additional insight and control information and to initiate actions. Measurement methods other than eNPS can also be used. Advise us experience experts klanten over de verschillende meetmethodes en de voor- en nadelen.

Results of continuous measurement

Organizations that actively measure and manage experience that they achieve different results. Measurement results are suitable for actively working on the growth of the number of ambassadors (promoters) in the organization. The commitment and loyalty of employees is also becoming more visible. It will be possible to test whether the vision and ambition of the organization is actually alive and experienced. And the measurements are an important indicator of enthusiasm and pride among employees. Companies can also realize direct growth by working on the growth of ambassadors. Measurements with eNPS broadly identify three groups of employees:

  1. Promoters: the loyal, committed employees. They recommend your organization to others and are 100% behind your products and services. They are important for your growth.
  2. Passives: these are satisfied employees, but less involved. The active contribution to the growth of your company is missing.
  3. Detractors: These are the disgruntled employees who are not engaged. They will not promote your services and products but advise against them and make a negative contribution to your growth.

You calculate the employees NPS (eNPS) with this formula: Promoter % – Detractors % = eNPS

More than just eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score)

With your employees NPS (or results of other continuous measurements) you can initiate targeted actions. At GrowPromoter, your online dashboard helps with this. With regard to the three main groups of NPS employees, it is obvious to first look at the group detractors. A study by Erasmus University Rotterdam (Asking employees the ultimate question) shows that working on corporate culture, pride, team spirit (organization-wide, not just in teams) and clarity about the course of the organization has a direct influence to turn employees into ambassadors (promoters). And laughter is important! Employees who smile regularly are more likely to recommend their employer to others.

From employee NPS to targeted actions

With your employees NPS (or results of other continuous measurements) you can initiate targeted actions. At GrowPromoter, your online dashboard helps with this. With regard to the three main groups of NPS employees, it is obvious to first look at the group detractors. A study by Erasmus University Rotterdam (Asking employees the ultimate question) shows that working on corporate culture, pride, team spirit (organization-wide, not just in teams) and clarity about the course of the organization has a direct influence to turn employees into ambassadors (promoters). And laughter is important! Employees who smile regularly are more likely to recommend their employer to others.

Employee Net Promoter Score not only for corporates

It is precisely companies and organizations that cannot rely on an attractive image – such as the aforementioned corporates – that it is wise to keep looking closely at their employee Net Promoter Score or other  moods measurements. Their results are often even more dependent on employees. Keeping people 'on board' as long as possible is not an end in itself. But retaining specific knowledge, skills and experience is essential. And of course preferably also the (growing number of) ambassadors. The more employees regularly go the extra mile and maintain good, personal customer contacts, the greater the customer loyalty will ultimately be. And that is a direct revenue predictor for your organization.

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