
More customer satisfaction surveys in the financial sector through PSD2

Customer satisfaction survey is becoming increasingly important in the financial sector. Especially since many products in the financial services industry are very similar. The courteous service provided by banks, insurance companies and financial advisers in particular now makes the difference. Moreover, the new payment directive (PSD2), which makes switching between banks easier, puts extra pressure on increasing customer satisfaction. As a result, researching customer experiences is now becoming even more important for banks and insurance companies.

Experience of service financial services

Optimizing the service and provision of services to customers has become a necessity for banks and insurance companies. Especially in this way they can make a difference compared to competitors in the financial sector. Especially by making it as easy as possible for customers. An alternative is to make a distinction in other areas that (potential) customers in the financial sector consider important. Like Triodos Bank does in the field of sustainability, for example.

Research customer experiences at banks and insurance companies

To properly monitor how customers experience their chosen course and service, _self">banks and insurance companies are increasingly investigating customer experiences. In order to be able to work more efficiently, increasing automation is also an important point of attention. Because this development must of course not be at the expense of customer satisfaction.

At GrowPromoter, we have seen this measurement need for several years, especially in the growing interest of banks and insurers in researching customer experiences. Measuring employee satisfaction is also a theme, but clearly subordinate to banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers. Especially continuous small measurements – often in response to contact moments with customers – is what parties in the financial sector mainly want and do.

Customer satisfaction survey by PSD2 

Also new developments such as the block chain and the European directive for payment services PSD2 (Payment Service Directive 2) reinforce the focus on measuring customer satisfaction. The block chain  – made famous by bitcoin as an alternative payment method – makes intermediaries (such as banks) that were previously necessary to ensure that transactions take place reliably, partly superfluous. This creates extra competition and banks have to compensate for this in their services.

The PSD2 directive should ensure more competition and remove the barriers for new entrants to the payment market. The intention is to make switching between banks easier, which makes targeted work on customer satisfaction and customer experiences even more important. 

PSD2 is already in force in Europe, but the Netherlands was postponed to do this a little later. The legislation for this is still being prepared. This is a good time for banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers in the Netherlands to get started with their approach to be able to manage their customer satisfaction more actively.

Became curious?

Or do you have other questions about research into customer or employee satisfaction in the financial sector? Ask us don't hesitate to ask for more information about satisfaction surveys among employees, customers or both.

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