“Mechanics become ‘recruiters’ if they are really happy with us”

Satisfaction surveys among employees and customers are of great value to Van Lente System Integration from Deventer. That started with measuring the employee experience (EX), in order to remain attractive to employees and to be able to recruit better technicians ourselves. This now no longer requires external recruiters. Measurement results are directly used internally by the management, HRM and all teams to work on points for improvement. “We get valuable insights that we can use immediately.”

The company with more than 150 employees provides automation solutions, installation and maintenance at customers. This requires well-trained electrical engineering personnel. With annual growth of 10 percent (and 8 percent turnover), that is an average of about twenty technicians per year. Because recruitment became increasingly difficult due to scarcity, Van Lente opted for a new approach in 2016. With a focus on employer brandingand recruitment through our own employees.

We said goodbye to external recruitment agencies. Those costs (at the time 1.5 tons) have been converted into a broad marketing budget for the organization. A recruitment specialist was brought in and the goal became to help employees become 'recruiters'. “Our employees have an authentic story, a valuable network and they know what we are looking for,” says recruitment specialist Marcel Brilman.

The approach: eNPS with follow-up questions

Applicants now receive VIP treatment. The parking lot right next to the front door is not for the director, but for applicants. Measuring the EX has become very important, outlines Monica Ubas (manager HRM and marketing). “Because existing employees only become ambassadors if they are really happy with us. That is why we now structurally measure employee satisfaction with GrowPromoter and whether employees are willing to recommend us to their network.”

The first EX measurement was held in September 2018. Employees received an invitation by e-mail to complete a short questionnaire. First one question for the employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS): “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your employer to others?” Afterwards, participants could also answer questions about leadership, vitality, work content, cooperation, personal development and communication. Brilman: “We often got along well with the standard questions from GrowPromoter. That turned out to be really well thought out. For customized questions, we get help from Wouter Dirkse, our permanent experience expert at GrowPromoter. He also helped to properly set up our central dashboard for our needs.”

Results and concrete new steps

The first measurement had an immediate impact. The response was high: of the 156 invitations, 138 employees answered the eNPS question. Subsequently, 120 employees also answered all other relevant questions. Brilman: “We immediately set to work with the results. Because measuring only makes sense if you do something with it. Then employees certainly want to give their opinion. The number of promoters (45.7 percent) turned out to be high, the detractors limited (6.5 percent) and there are quite a few passives that can potentially become promoters. By listening to all feedback and doing something with it together, we can directly influence the eNPS.”

Important results have been immediately translated into action points by the management, HRM and all teams. For example, HRM makes career paths more visible. There will also be a tool to keep the dialogue about the development of employees with their manager going throughout the year. The effects become visible in the following measurements. In the meantime, all recruitment targets are also amply achieved each year.

Accessible and flexible

Van Lente liked working with GrowPromoter. Brilman: “We wanted to conduct short, accessible measurements of about eight minutes per employee. Sometimes that became a little more, but this approach gives a high response rate and a lot of valuable feedback. We can get started right away with the results on our dashboard. We will now also use the platform to measure customer satisfaction. GrowPromoter can do both. I find that valuable. We also want to display customer satisfaction feedback on screens in our canteen.”

According to Brilman, the collaboration with GrowPromoter is going well. “Our regular contact person is always available and gives good advice. And the platform is flexible enough to offer us customization. With other SaaS service providers you often hear: 'that is not possible' or the adjustments take a very long time or are expensive. If we want to add or change something, it can be done very easily. We will certainly continue with this.”

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Recruiter Marcel Brilman


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